Nuclear Bone Scan
Prostate Cancer can spread out of the Prostate Gland and occupy sites in other parts of the body. The bones are one such place.
If it is felt that the cancer may have spread this test can be applied to check the bones. A radioactive compound is injected into a vein. Given time, this compound will reach the bones – typically 2 – 3 hours. When this process is complete the body is scanned using a combined Gamma Camera and a C/T Scanner and the take up of the radioactive compound can be viewed in image form by combining the scan results. The process is called a Bone Scan or a Nuclear Bone Scan.
Any presence of cancerous cells in the bones can thus be established and if so an appropriate treatment regime can be employed.
It should be noted that this scan is unnecessary if a PET/CT scanning system is available as the latter picks up all extra-prostatic spread, including the bones.